
AI Assisted Data Harmonizer

Use AI to turn your data catalog into a hub of shared meaning in just one week

Unlock the Power of Your Data Catalog in a Week

Your data catalog is a crucial asset, but conflicting language in your metadata can slow down analysis and integration. With SingleStone’s AI Assisted Data Harmonizer, you can transform your data catalog into a powerful tool for shared understanding and efficient analysis.

  • Identify Conflicting Terms: Resolve inconsistent terminology across departments, improving clarity and efficiency.
  • Visualize Relationships: Clarify data relationships by mapping inconsistencies, ensuring alignment.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive actionable insights to quickly address and resolve data conflicts.

Why Choose AI Assisted Data Harmonizer?

Streamlined Analysis

Resolve inconsistencies across different departments or business units, leading to faster and more accurate reporting.

Improved Data Integrity

Ensure that everyone in your organization is speaking the same language when it comes to key business terms.

Rapid Deployment

Achieve significant improvements in just one week, with minimal disruption to your current operations.

How it Works


Submit Your Data

Provide us with a table of glossary terms and definitions from your data catalog (e.g., from

Analyze with AI

Let our Harmonizer quickly identify and flag inconsistencies in terminology using advanced AI analysis.

Receive Actionable Results

Gain access to clear, user-friendly files that highlight potential conflicts, ready for you to explore and resolve.

Ready to Modernize Your Tech and Simplify Your Data?

Schedule a call to get your questions answered and discover how we can help you in achieve your goals.

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